Baby Carl's Happy Apocalypse

#5 Education, Rumination, Meditation

Sr. Gail Worcelo, Green Mountain Monastery Season 1 Episode 5

Baby Carl and Bill visit Green Mountain Monastery in Greensboro, VT to speak with Sr. Gail Worcelo. Baby Carl learns the difference between sisters and brothers and Sisters and Brothers, and hears about Sr. Gail's happy revelation that led to her religious vocation.  In 1999 she co-founded Green Mountain Monastery with the late Passionist priest and cultural historian Thomas Berry, and Sr. Bernadette, and creating the first community of Catholic sisters founded specifically for Earth healing and protection within the Eco-Zoic Era.  Sr. Gail and Baby Carl visit the labyrinth, Thomas Berry's burial site, and talk about the power and challenges of meditation and loving all the planet and its many inhabitants. 

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